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GlobalSign SSL Certificates

SSL certificates from GlobalSign have long been the most popular among small businesses in Europe and Asia. In addition, these certificates support Cyrillic domains.



≈14.47 $/year.

Debit amount: 1300 /year

Domain check

Type: 1d
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes

AlphaSSL Wildcard

≈36.73 $/year.

Debit amount: 3300 /year

Domain check

Type: w.card
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes


≈26.71 $/year.

Debit amount: 2400 /year

Business check

Type: 1d
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes

DomainSSL Wildcard

≈100.18 $/year.

Debit amount: 9000 /year

Business check

Type: w.card
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes


≈45.64 $/year.

Debit amount: 4100 /year

Domain check

Type: 1d
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes

OrganizationSSL Wildcard

≈111.37 $/year.

Debit amount: 10000 /year

Domain check

Type: w.card
Greep Strripe: no
IDN: yes


≈111.37 $/year.

Debit amount: 10000 /year

Business check

Type: 1d
Greep Strripe: yes
IDN: yes

  • 1d – for one domain
  • 1d+www – for one domain with www support
  • w.card – for domain and all domain subdomains
  • ucc/san – bulk domains
  • IDN – support international domains

▪ Stable.
▪ In rub.
▪ Not depended on $ and €.
▪ We  !
▪ Discount during payment for a year!

For Legal Entities

Contract and full complect of accounting documents by mail.

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