Additional paid tech services
Predefined works | Price, in $ |
Initial work on setting up the server | |
Installing and reinstalling the OS from an ISO according to the requirements of the client (plug in IS, selection of non-standard disk configuration including encryption, disk partitioning; pre-installation of any software without configuration, etc.) | 20$ |
Software installation | |
Server software updates. Updating of specific software is discussed. | from 10% |
Basic installation and updating of control panels to the latest versions (ISPmanager, ISPConfig, VestaCP, BrainyCP, cPanel, FASTPANEL) | 10$ |
Changing the main version of PHP (if the additional version is available in the distribution repositories) | 20$ |
Upgrading to the latest versions of MySQL/MariaDB and changing from MySQL ↔ MariaDB | 20$ |
Initial installation of popular CMS (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Bitrix) | from 20$ |
Installing a proxy server (3proxy) with initial configuration. | from 20$ |
Installing VPN (OpenVpn, WireGuard) with initial setup. | from 20$ |
Setup work | |
Linux/Windows backup setup | 20$ |
Issuing a Let’s encrypt certificate manually, connecting to the service and setup cronjob for auto-renewal. | 20$ |
Installing a Third Party SSL Certificate (Web Servers/Mail Servers) | 20$ |
Optimization of server settings for popular CMS, installation of cache plugins and mechanisms. | 20$ |
Changing the main IP address on an network interface. | 10$ |
Data center works | |
Server Diagnostics | 10$ |
Preventive cleaning of the server (the service is provided at colocation and rack rental rates). | 20$ |
Replacement of components at colocation tariffs and rack rental service./td> | from 10$ |
BGP connection | 2000 |
Announcement of IP prefix and IP addresses. | 20$ |
Creating a Private VLAN. | 20$ |
Private VLAN support | 20$ per month |
Crossing (basic). | 30$ |
Work on changing the configuration of a dedicated server (downgrade). | 20$ |
Miscellaneous | |
Resetting the Linux/Windows server password. | 20$ |
Reseting MySQL root password. | 20$ |
Reset administrator password for popular CMS (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Bitrix). | 20$ |
Transferring websites, inhouse service. | from 10$ |
Migrate VPS between clusters on demand. | 30$ |
Create disk raw image/copy disk between servers. | 60$ |
Work according to the technical task from the client. | from 50$ |
Chat with technical support about something else 😉 | Negotiated |
In rub.
Not depended on $ and €.
We ♥ !
Discount during payment for a year!
For Legal Entities
Contract and full complect of accounting documents by mail.